Soyan 3D Printing Pen Review

3D pens use ABS and PVC plastic material to make artistic dreams come true. The plastic-like materials are structures like filaments that are then fed into the pen from one end but come out from the other as molten rapidly cooled material. You can use the cooled material to design objects and shapes of different types. Because of their realistic nature, 3D pens have rapidly gained fame in the creative and educational fields and are being used in creating simple structures like braille, to more complex designs like miniature building models. Anything you imagine, you can create with a 3D pen and the best part is that you donít need to have any special skills or to install ant software or programs to bring your imaginations to life.

Why The Soyan 3D Arts & Crafts Drawing Pen?

3D printing is a recent invention and as such products are still being developed and improved to keep up to its growing reputation. Most of the 3D pens that have been developed are expensive not only to purchase but also to maintain. The Soyan 3D pen is an affordable but trustable 3D pen. Its other features include:

  • 4-0.7mm nozzle that enables fine and accurate 3D creations.
  • It has a rapid cooling technology that ensures your designs are cooled as fast as you draw them.
  • It comes with 10g coils of black, yellow and blue filaments that give you a head start on your art and craft designs.



  1. The rapid cooling technology in the pen ensures that you can become more intimate with your designs. You can personalize and understand them so much that no one will doubt their uniqueness. With this feature you are able to handle your design, hold and touch and even add more layers to it as you continue to advance it.
  2. It is more affordable than most of the other 3D pens in the market. Many users actually think that with its ergonomic design and user friendliness, itís actually offering more than the price.
  • Though it may look bulky before one gets a hold of it, itís actually quite comfortable on the hands and is easy and smooth to draw with.
  1. It makes a perfect educational tool for children since you can use it to teach them creativity and expand their imagination.
  2. The pen has a small slider on the body. This can be used to regulate the speed of filament extrusion to ones tailored requirements.




  1. Although Soyan 3D printing pen is cheap, the filaments that are fed into it are quite costly especially considering that you may need to use a lot of plastic to create a stable structure.
  2. To create a masterpiece structure needs one to be very patient. Though the pen has incorporated a rapid heating and cooling mechanism, these are not instant and may still take some time.
  • Users have complained of jamming of plastic filaments with this 3D pen. Since it does not have a mechanism for preventing or solving the jamming problem, you may end up wasting a lot of filaments in the event of a clog.
  1. It has a button for controlling the speed of filament extrusion, but this can only go two ways; either too fast or too slow. Further, users have voiced concern that when you adjust the speed to fast and use the pen for a long time it will automatically shift to painfully slow because the pen is unable to match up the filament heating to the extrusion requirements.
  2. The Soyan 3D pen is a great tool if itís to be used for developing the artistic skills and interests of children but it lacks fundamental features that qualify it to be used in serious projects.



One thing that users seem to agree on and applaud about Soyan 3D pen is the customer service. Customers have reported that when they complained, for example of a malfunction, their pen was replaced amazingly fast.

Soyan may not be an ideal pen for expert 3D artists especially considering that brands like 3Doodler have created real competition in that market. However, itís definitely worth its price and itís a great investment for a beginner

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