Fun School Supplies You Can Make With a 3D Printer

3D printers have a lot of use—from building complex items like figurines, to making creative variations of common objects. It’s a very popular teaching tool in schools, increasing student engagement every time it’s incorporated in a lesson. But aside from teaching materials, another way 3D printers have helped students is by creating fun school supplies they can use.

Cool Ideas of 3D Printed School Supplies

If you own a 3D printer at home, here are some school supplies you can replicate.

1. Pencil Cases and Holders

No kid goes to school without a handy pencil case with them. And if your child attends virtual classes, you can opt for a pencil holder instead, so they can learn to organize their supplies. Open up your preferred 3D model maker, and grab a ready-made template online to get started.

For more advanced users, you can edit the design to fit your child’s preference.

2. Math Tools

Is your kid’s school requiring a ruler, protractor, or any other math tool that comes in plastic? Chances are, it can be replicated on a 3D printer.

You can always personalize it by color, too, to add some personality to the design.

3. Tape Dispenser

Again, why buy a tape dispenser when there are far more interesting designs available for 3D printing? You could go for a traditional design, like the one shown above but we particularly like this one by Cults3d for its minimalist look.


Even though virtual classes are becoming more common these days, it’s not impossible for classes to require a book or two, or even make you print out a set of handouts. To remind students where they left off, a bookmark will serve them well. And while you can simply fold a piece of paper and call it a day, it’s more fun to 3D print a customized one.

5. Small Lamps

Every student learns differently, and at different times. If your kid is the type to study in the evening, then they need a lamp to avoid straining their eyes. You can buy a standard one online, but you’ll have more creative freedom if you 3D print one instead.

If you’re worried about the circuitry, don’t be. All you need is to recall your how to work a light bulb class in middle school. Grab a bulb, a bulb holder, a wire, and a battery. Loop the copper cords of the wire around the bulb holder and tape both ends of the battery. It should light up. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made lamp circuitry on Amazon or the nearest electrical store.

6. 3D Printing Reminders

When 3D printing some school supplies, there are a couple of things you have to remember. 3D printers are incorporated with metal core PCBs that enables the thermal conductivity to dissipate the heat away from vulnerable components. The result is a machine that can take high levels of heat and continue to function. Therefore, if you encounter any problems when 3D printing, the source is rarely the printer itself, but from the materials that you use. Make sure to choose materials that are very resistant to heat, but also non-toxic so the end product is safe for kids.

There are a ton of fun school supplies you can create with a 3D printer as long as you have the design for it. Fortunately for you, the internet is full of creative people who are more than willing to share their ideas.

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